June 15, 2009

Here Goes Nothin'

I am slowly coming to grips with the fact that I have the attention span of a 2-year old. However, I've decided this is ok since what I lack in dedication I make up for in enthusiasm. I constantly entertain myself with projects, ranging from knitting to cooking to sewing to painting. I'm actually a pretty good knitter, but I tend to either finish a project within 1 week or it languishes on as I move to other, newer, creations. The cooking turns out ok, most of the time, but periodically it goes terribly, terribly wrong. I'm not a very experienced seamstress, but I understand the basics and can make a mean bag. As to painting, well, the talent is uncertain and the experience is non-existent, but I like visiting art museums and our walls desperately need some type of decoration.

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