June 27, 2009

Molly Making Grilled Cheese

Earlier this week the small cafe I went to for lunch had a cream of tomato soup and grilled cheese as their lunch special. While I opted for the paella at the time, biking home later that day under chilly grey skies, I decided that tomato soup and grilled cheese was just what I wanted for dinner. The tomato soup I put together was pretty straight forward: butter, onions, diced tomatoes, half-and-half, and some thyme, salt, and pepper. I added everything but the half-and-half and simmered for about 20 minutes, and then put it through the blender. At this point, I discovered why cook books always have that warning about blending hot liquids. Let's just say, caution is warranted. A touch of cream and a bit more freshly ground pepper, and voila!

While I'm actually a big fan of grilled cheese made with american cheese and white loaf bread, I felt that the homemade tomato soup deserved a sandwich which was a bit more adult. I settled on sauteed onions and smoked gouda on grilled sourdough.

The gouda didn't get as liquid as other cheeses normally do, but it got nice and soft and melded with the onions. Really, really delicious.


Amanda said...


Unknown said...

Whoa! Look who has a new blog! I like it!

Your soup and sandwich look delicious!

And yes, school is a marathon. But my prof keeps a near-sprint pace, so I'm trying to keep up... ;)

Jared said...

looks incredible! miss your cooking!